
CES School Day Times

CES Daily Schedule

Start of Day

7:05 North Car Line, Buses unload, and Breakfast starts

7:15 South Car Line starts
7:20 Students dismissed to classrooms

7:30 Sitdown breakfast ends and Grab and go in Classroom
7:35 Tardy Bell & North and South Car Line closes

*After 7:35 you must park, walk into the front office and sign your child in.

End of Day
2:40 1st bell - 2nd &3rd dismissed

2:42 2nd bell - 4th & 5th dismissed
2:44 3rd bell - K &1st dismissed
2:46 Buses leave and Car Line starts

Creekside Elementary

About Us

Creekside Elementary School for grades 3-5 moved into its new addition in the Spring of 2017. It is located at 15983 Sanderson Rd., Harvest AL, in Limestone County, in the East Limestone community. The addition includes 22 classrooms, a music room, a gym, reception area, conference room, and front offices. Six classrooms in the original building are designated as part of the new elementary school. Two of those rooms have been transformed into an elementary library and a STEM lab. Creekside Elementary has 524 students enrolled in grades 3-5. The population includes 275 males and 249 females. The male population is comprised of 74% white, 18% black/African American, 4% Hispanic, and 4% other. The female population is comprised of 73% white, 17% black/African American, 5% Hispanic, and 4% other. Creekside Elementary has 26 teachers, a principal, counselor, library/media specialist, secretary, and a custodian.

The original Creekside Elementary School opened its doors in August 2000 as a K-5 elementary school located at 16049 Sanderson Rd., Harvest, AL, in Limestone County. Over the years the student population outgrew the school and the decision was made to build an addition and split the student population into two separate schools. In the Spring of 2017, the existing school located at 16049 Sanderson Rd. was renamed Creekside Primary for grades K-2. The new addition at 15983 Sanderson Rd. was named Creekside Elementary for grades 3-5.

The elementary school and primary school share an assistant principal, reading specialist, bookkeeper, English Language Learner teacher, speech teacher, art teacher, music teacher, nurse, instructional assistants, cafeteria staff, and bus drivers.

Creekside Elementary also shares a school resource officer with Creekside Primary. Deputy Sara directs traffic in the mornings to ensure the kids and parents get to school safely. She walks the halls to make sure doors are locked and kids are safe. She creates and updates lesson plans for grades K-5 to teach students about bullying, kindness, diversity, gun safety, how to call 911, the dangers of drugs, the dangers of people you don't know (or kinda know), the dangers of the internet and too much screen time, and most recently, teaching kids about fingerprints. She monitors attendance and meets with parents when their child has 5 or more unexcused absences and/or tardies. She is always available to assist the principals in dealing with any children whom they feel need the help of the school resource officer.

Creekside is a close-knit community with an active Parent-Teacher Organization. The two schools remain closely connected because they are under one roof and share some facilities, such as the cafeteria. The administrators and leadership teams decided to incorporate meetings throughout the year that would allow the two schools to come together, to maintain the sense of community between the two schools. One PTO organization will continue to support the two schools.